One couple in Tollywood that always hogs the limelight is Ram Charan Tej and Upasana. While Cherry is busy in acting and producing movies, his better half Upasana is busy looking after hospital affairs and other important social commitments.
Though they are very busy in their professional life, this cute pair always ensures to spend time together. Thanks to the social media, Fans get to see their shared moments as and when they post. Such one shared pic is the Sunday selfie posted by Upasana while the selfie moment is captured by Ram Charan Tej.
Cherry is currently wrapping up his movie Rangasthalam 1985 which is directed by Sukumar. The much awaited teaser is going to release on 24th as Republic Day special. Mythri Movie Makersa are bank rolling this project which is slated for release on the last week of March as Summer Special. Samantha is pairing opposite Cherry in this flick.