South India’s popular glamorous actress Namitha is all set to enter the wedlock with Veerendra Chowdhary aka Veer on Nov 24. The news reached every nook and corner in South states because Namitha enjoys such following among men. Whatsoever, why the voluptuous actress went for such sudden announcement taking a surprising decision on marriage?
'Veer is my best friend from some time. He is a film producer, actor, aspiring model and most importantly good human being. Ours is an arranged cum love marriage with mutual consent from family members on both sides. One of our common friends Sasidhar introduced me to Veer in 2016. Our friendship slowly grew stage by stage.
On Sep 6th in 2017, Veer invited me to a beach candle light dinner and proposed me. I never expected such a sweet surprise from him. As we both are likeminded and have similar tastes, I did not find any reason to say no. So, I accepted him. In fact, I lost trust on men long back. In last three months after getting close with Veer, I am slowly rebuilding the faith. Anyways, we need all your blessings for future life,’ Namitha said.