Gautham Vasudev Menon, known for Tollywood as Gautham Menon has directed super hit ‘Gharshana’ with Venkatesh and ‘Ye Maya Chesave’ with Naga Chaitanya. After the successful run of ‘Kaaka Kaaka,’ the Tamil version of ‘Gharshana,’ many Bollywood heroes have approached Gautham Menon to direct a movie for them.
At last, the project has been finalized and this is the remake of ‘Gharshana’ in Bollywood. To play the lead encounter specialist super cop role of the movie is John Abraham. Project will start in second half of this year under the production house of Vipul Shah, said Director Gautham Menon.
Actually Gautham Menon has planned to rope in Tamil hero Suriya for this Bollywood project but he was known to be reluctant, later Akshay Kumar was thought for the role but finally it was John Abraham.