Young hero Raj Tharun is quite a bit on tedious task of wrapping Raju Gadu – Yama Danger in Sanjana Reddy direction from a long while. The film from AK Entertainments banner of Anil Sunkara is now freshly slated for grand release in upcoming Pongal season 2018. Starring Amyra Dastur as heroine, Raju Gadu is said to be a thorough entertainer with loads of comedy and typical Raj Tharun mark characterization.
Earlier to this, Raj enjoyed a decent farer Andhagadu from the same banner with Hebbah Patel in Veligonda Srinivas direction. Set on a leisure paced production and post production, Anil Sunkara took sweet enough time to lock his film in a popular Pongal holiday season.
In fact, it is a three movie deal of Kittu Unnadu Jagratha, Andhagadu and Raju Gadu between Raj Tharun and AK Entertainments banner. Fortunately, two of them turned out to be profitable ventures released in 2017… it’s time they are looking at third Raju Gadu.