Super Star Mahesh Babu will be introduced to Kollywood at a special event ro be held on 9th of this month. Rajinikanth and the other cast, crew of 2.0 excluding Akshay Kumar are most likely to attend the event.
As we know, prestigious Lyca Productions bagged the Tamil Rights of Spyder and they also being the producers of Rajinikanth's 2.0, they are promoting both hand in hand.
Lyca is keen on bringing both Super Stars to the event so thay both films get enormous hype and at same time help Spyder to go deep in Tamil Nadu.
For Spyder event, Lyca has booked Kalaivanar Arangam Stadium which is one of the biggest venues in Chennai for film events. Spyder Tamil version audio will be launched at this event welcome Mahesh. Spyder is geared up for Sep 27th release as Dussehra special. It will be a simultaneous release in Telugu and Tamil languages. So, Tamil Fans can join Mahesh at above venue.