Manchu Lakshmi is all set to produce a film with new director, Vijay Yellamkanti in which she is also playing a crucial role. The yet to be titled film to be bankrolled on Manchu Entertainments Banner has become buzz subject in film circles because script of this flick is said to be based on story of a girl who believes something which is not true as true. Of course, it also focuses on human emotions and relationships.
Nevertheless, Lakshmi Manchu always strives to offer something new and she found the subject from Vijay interesting. On the other side, Vijay Yellamkanti earlier worked as an assistant to ace director Rajamouli for Eega and Baahubali The Beginning.
This untitled movie is launched this morning and regular shooting will also begin very soon. Lakshmi Manchu pinned plenty of hopes on to bring her much needed success both as an actor and producer. As we know, Lakshmi had no releases in last two years. She is however getting very close to audience with TV shows like Memu Saitham and Mee Kosam.