Mega hero Allu Sirish scored a decent hit last year with 'Srirasthu Shubhamasthu'. His new film has been launched recently which is to be directed by VI Anand. It is a known news that VI Anand delivered a super hit film 'Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada'.
Meanwhile, Allu Sirish had got photo shoot done recently for the film. He maybe seen in the above getup in his new film. This is said to be the best getup of this young hero till date. Moreover, he looks like his elder brother, Stylish Star Allu Arjun in the pic.
Surabhi and Seerath Kapoor will romance Allu Sirish in new film which is billed to be a Sci-Fi thriller. Senior musician Manisharma will compose tunes. The film will go on sets on 27th of this month.