
Metal Tiger hits Avatar

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Metal Tiger hits Avatar
Metal Tiger hits Avatar

James Cameron’s block-buster Avatar , which received eight nominations at the upcoming British Academy of Film and Television Arts 2010 last week was a great international success . But the Rs 2400-crore film will not be shown in China as the government has withdrawn the screening of the film from the theatres on Jan 23, which is the beginning of the Chinese New Year, the metal tiger.

Chinese producers say, the Government decision will suit local viewers who would like to see native films at the start of their New Year.Produced by 20th Century Fox, the epic film has already grossed $1.69 billion world-wide till now. However, Avatar success wouldn’t dwindle because of the Chinese decision over a trifle. It was reported that a 42-year-old Taiwanese man died after watching the three-dimensional film. The doctors say the man died following a stroke and brain hemorrhage, as a reaction to the film! 

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