Sankranti passed off with sweet and hit memories for Telugu cinema lovers. All the three movies ‘Khaidi No 150, Gauthami Puthra Satakarni’ and ‘Shatamanam Bhavati’ got their due Box Office share with strong openings sustained till date. After big fight in Tollywood, now it’s Bollywood time to witness the same battle of nerves.
Coming 25th January, two of the huge movies Shah Rukh Khan ‘Raees’ and Hrithik Roshan ‘Kaabil’ are all set to hit the screens on same day. Post ‘Dangal,’ there is a lull at Mumbai film trade and the above two star heroes are sure to re-ignite the fire.
‘Raees’ trailer hinted on a pure mass masala commercial outing is on the offing from Shah Rukh Khan and expectations are set really high. ‘Kaabil’ from Hrithik and Yaami Gautam is the curious project of action, drama and revenge wherein protagonist plays a blind man. ‘Kaabil’ is also simultaneously releasing in Telugu with dubbed version.