Beautiful yesteryear actress Rekha is re-entering into Telugu films after a long gap with a suspense thriller. She was first seen as child artist in 1966 released ‘Rangula Ratnam’ but later shifted to Mumbai becoming a star heroine. Looks like, Rekha got an exciting script to announce the Telugu comeback and interestingly she will be playing a daughter to Poorna in this flick directed by debutant Surya.
Poorna started off with shoot while Rekha is expected to join in January first week. This untitled movie’s story spans on three generations in a family.
‘Audience will be in for shock because they cannot expect me to play Rekha madam’s mother role. As film covers three generations, one generation is shot in black and white and I am doing her mother in this retro-segment. I am a huge fan of Rekha since childhood. This is like a dream coming true for me,’ Poorna informs.