Allu Sirish, the young hero fighting for a new career and new cinema innings from Mega compound is enough animated with ‘Srirasthu Shubhamasthu’ slated for grand release on coming Friday that is August 5th. With so many mass and commercially high scaled heroes like Chiranjeevi, Pawan Kalyan, Ramcharan and Allu Arjun belonging to the same family, how far Sirish is influenced by all of them?
‘As most of my family members are experienced at acting and film making, I always take suggestions from them for improvisation. After hearing a story or script, I forward it to my elder brother Bunny and dad Aravind for a final decision. Once the proposal gets needed acceptance, Bunny’s involvement will be very minimal. At the most, I will screen the first copy before him for a judgment. Depending on his call, we edit or make necessary corrections. I leave rest of everything to my director.
I am not in a hurry to do mass films like Pawan Kalyan or Arjun because I love class, romantic entertainers. I do enjoy mass movies like ‘Gabbar Singh’ or ‘Sarrainodu.’ I love more to do light hearted fun and emotional scripts like Srirasthu Shubhmasthu,’ said Sirish in an exclusive chat with Cinejosh.