
Kabali Resembles Mandela!

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Kabali Story Inspired From Nelson Mandela

Kabali Characterisation Inspired From Nelson Mandela
Kabali Characterisation Inspired From Nelson Mandela

Kabali’ is basically a story based on rise of leader from a common man. Rajini played Kabaleeshwaran, who questions the oppression of Tamilians working in Rubber factories by industrialist forces.  As a result, he grows as commendable forced becoming messiah for improving the living conditions of Tamils. The essence in ‘Kabali’ smells similar to South African anti-apartheid revolutionary politician Nelson Mandela.

Like Kabali character in the movie, Mandela also served 27 years in prison in his fight to end the apartheid. In fact, the problem rooted in racism is same for Mandela and Kabali. Whatever the actual story may be, if Mandela’s life story served an inspiration in designing Kabali’s characterization for director Ranjith Pa, then this film might get more into international recognition very soon.

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Difference is quite simple. Mandela fought the battle in South Afrika while Kabali fought the same in Malaysia. Of course, commercial cinematic elements needed to enhance the stardom of Rajini in Kabali character should have made the film more colorful and entertaining.