The most awaited Salman Khan’s ‘Sultan’ trailer is just out on Youtube a while back. When there’s Sallu Bhai on screen, what more his Fans will ask other than this kind of entertainment. This trailer looks like a perfect homage from Salman Khan to super hit ‘Rocky’ series where an underdog wrestler fights against all the odds to evolve as a winner. Then there is sensible romance with Anushka Sharma, goose bump dialogues and everything needed for a mass masala entertainer.
However, there were enough movies released in this season on sports backdrop and something like ‘Saala Khadoos’ gained enough patronage too. Yet Salman is fighting for love, redemption and glory. More than all these, Salman seems to have undergone lots of physical variations preparing for the character.
This sports drama film written and directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, produced by Yash Raj Films is all set for a grand Eid release on July 6. As of now, ‘Sultan’ trailer is tailor made to impress his huge Fan base.