Most glamorous and star heroine Anushka’s new film ‘Size Zero’ has got different kind of response from Regional Censor Boards of Telugu and Tamil. With the film nearing to release in next couple of days, producer Prasad V Potluri has arranged for Censor Certification and cleared all the formalities to go for a smooth release.
While the Telugu version of ‘Size Zero’ is issued U/A Certificate, the Tamil version titled as ‘Inji Iduppazagi’ is given a clean U certificate. While reasons behind such different of opinions from two boards is still unknown, some sources revealed that Sonal Chauhan’s glamour show and a lip kiss of hero Arya with heroine Anushka might have forced them to go for U/A.
Anyways, this also indicates that fewer portions of ‘Size Zero’ might be treated differently in both Telugu and Tamil versions. Apparently, Anushka remains the central attraction of film and the crowd puller for this entertaining flick.