
This is Government Conspiracy: RGV

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Ram Gopal Varma Reacts on Village Adoption As Conspiracy

Ram Gopal Varma, Village Adoption Is A Conspiracy
Ram Gopal Varma, Village Adoption Is A Conspiracy

Where ever there is a subject gaining popularity or kind attention of people, there will be Ram Gopal Varma. As a respected citizen, he definitely has every right to express his views and that’s what we call freedom of expression. There is no other person in this entire India who exploits on this right as much as RGV does. As Village Adoption is seen as a noble initiative to uplift the living standards of poverty stricken people in villages with Government trying to invite more rich NRIs and celebrities to render their helping hand, here comes RGV to explore a different and contrasting view on the whole concept.    

‘I find this whole thing of celebs adopting villages very insulting to villages. No self respecting village will allow itself to be adopted. Imagine how insulting we will feel if a Hollywood star would want to adopt India reminding us that we are an under developed country. Do People who adopt think villages are orphans or beggars or handicapped or what? If villages have any self respect they should protest. Any village who is willing to be adopted is actually admitting that it’s depending on left over morsels thrown at it by the rich and famous. They say villages are the strength of the country and then they insult them by telling the whole world the villages live on their mercy. 

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If normal stars also are adopting a village, should very powerful stars adopt many many many villages? I think it's a conspiracy of government to incite the rich and the famous to adopt villages so that it itself doesn't need to do anything. Villages should try to become cities and not depend on charity of people who adopt them…Then only they will respectfully develop. Adoptation will lead to kingdom culture as celebs who adopted village will think himself as king of village because village depended on his mercy,’ RGV shared.