Director turned actor Farhan Akhtar is in no mood to think about anything except his costar from Kartik Calling Kartik, Deepika Padukone. Many in Bollywood circles are gossiping about their hot love affair.
Farhan Akhtar say, “There are no words to describe Deepika Padukone’s beauty, she’s extremely beautiful. Many will identify with me when I fall deeply in love with her in the film. In the hot quotient, she ranks among the top three actresses in Bollywood... need I say more,” he asks.
Deepika Padukone turned up as his guest to one of the Television shows for which Farhan Akhtar was the anchor. Farhan Akhtar remembering that show said, “In reality, we are of the same height. I actually measured her with a measuring tape,” he laughs and adds, “she’s got long legs, her pose and posture make her look tall... unfortunately, I have neither.”