Veteran heroine Sumalatha and her husband actor turned politician Ambareesh are in centre of a controversy. They are prime celebrities many of the events happening in South India and are in limelight. The controversy is raised from a picture of Ambareesh found kissing a young girl. This led to media cooking up false stories on Ambareesh. However, Sumalatha reacted furiously at media men revealing the exact facts behind.
The girl in photo is Vaibhavi, daughter of actors Jai Jagadish and Vijayalakshmi Singh and also the niece of producer-director Rajendra Singh Babu. Both the families are close friends and frequently they visit each other. The controversial photo was taken in front of a portrait of Sumalatha, Ambareesh showing that the party was organized at home. 'Vaibhavi is like a daughter to us. She grew in our house from childhood,' Sumalatha explained. It’s better for media to go for apologies.