Most popular TV anchor Anasuya who was once alleged of rejecting the item song offer from the likes of Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram Srinivas is set to foray on big screen. Currently Anasuya is doing plenty of TV programs and is quite busy with handful of projects. At this juncture, she has decided to enter into films with a female oriented subject to be directed by debutant Ravikanth P with movie titled as 'Kshanam.' As per reports, Adivi Sesh of ‘Panjaa’ fame is going to plat the male lead while Anasuya will be his partner. Regular shooting might be commenced sometime in March of next year.
Anasuya has got immense craze among Telugu audience and she should chose a meatier character to leave an ever lasting impression on us. As we all know Anasuya is a mother of two and she is still thriving to take a position of own in glamour industry.