Ace director SS Rajamouli hasn’t dreamt anything above Tollywood till now. Though his name is as popular as top B-town directors, never did he express the plans of going to Mumbai and direct a big hero. When Jakkanna has nothing to do with Bollywood, how can we expect him to think about Hollywood? Yes, reacting on some of the media reports showing Rajamouli’s next step as Hollywood and making a movie with Jet Li and Ranbir, this is what he said.
‘Jet li? Ranabir..? Where did this spring up from?? And Hollywood? As if it is as easy as taking a ticket and boarding the plane. Until Baahubali is completed I don't have time for anything else. I would declare myself if anything props up. Thank you,’ Rajamouli said. So, keep a full stop on Hollywood, Rajamouli link up and let us wait for ‘Bahubali’ updates.