Handling high budgets and huge star cast is a big challenge for any director. Rajamouli has openly agreed earlier in past that he would never ever commit for films like ‘Magadheera’ which strained him both physically and mentally. Keeping all this aside, he once again accepted a film bigger than ‘Magadheera’ and it is ‘Bahubali’ made with around 125 Crores of budget. In fact, only Shankar and Rajamouli are the able directors who can handle such high budget.
However, Rajamouli also has one more goal to achieve with ‘Bahubali and it is the making of ‘Mahabharatha’ in Hollywood. Yes, analysts are seeing ‘Bahubali’ as the stepping stone for Jakkanna to enter into International league. Already, Hollywood makers are staring at ‘Bahubali’ for the magnanimity of project. Coming few months will be crucial for Rajamouli because if at all ‘Bahubali’ shapes up with no loop holes in script and technical brilliance, he might close on ‘Mahabharatha’ in next couple of years.