Kajal Agarwal is the top actress of both South and North Indian cinema. She is committing the films in parallel for Telugu, Tamil and Hindi languages. Both as a performer and glamorous heroine, Kajal earned lot of recognition acting besides almost all top star heroes. Such a busy artist for the first time has committed to do a special item song in Anjali’s new flick of ‘Geethanjali,’ directed by Raj Kiran.
‘Geethanjali’ is a horror comedy film with Harshavardhan Rane in male lead supported by big comedy troop. There are moderate expectations on the film before but with promotions started by co-producer Kona Venkat and entry of Kajal will make ‘Geethanjali’ as the most awaited flick of the season. Film is set for a grand release in August. Let us wish all the best to Anjali as heroine and Kajal as item babe.