Strictly speaking, Akkineni family multi star flick ‘Manam’ did not live up to the verdict given by critics. For a film which has got four star ratings from critics, definitely anything above Rs.50 to 60 Crores should be the possible collections figure in total run. This isn’t happening so with ‘Manam’ and business of movie is likely to end in between Rs.40 to 45 Crores, say trade sources of Tollywood.
Reason for this can be tabulated as low adoration with no repeat value among audience in B and C class centers. At the same time, ‘Manam’ lacks in mass entertaining values as director Vikram Kumar made this as a pure class entertainer. Although Akkineni Nagarjuna family who produced the flick is into good profits and ‘Manam’ is treated as a fitting tribute to Late ANR, there would be have been achievement if film crossed 50 Crores mark.