Although Anushka hails from Karnataka, in fact Telugu audience owned her as a Telugu girl and we know how strong rapport she has built with all the Tollywood star heroes and especially the Akkineni family. Currently, the concentration of Sweety is more on completion of most powerful and high budgeted films of ‘Rudramadevi, Bahubali’ and in parallel she is eyeing on the top spot of Kollywood by agreeing for some prestigious ventures.
As of now Anushka is in Chennai working for the film of Ajith in direction of Gautham Vasudev Menon. As the director is known for showing the heroines in most glamorous format, definitely one can expect a feast of Anushka’s beauty in the film. Along with this flick, there is also a new movie of Super Star Rajinikanth to go on floors some time in next two to three months in direction of KS Ravi Kumar for which Anushka has again allotted bulk call sheets.