Once producer Bandla Ganesh Babu and director Krishna Vamsi have condemned the news of their combo project with Ramcharan and Srikanth isn’t titled as ‘Govindudu Andari Vaadele,’ now there is an interesting analysis on how could this film help Cherry’s film career. Till date, Mega Power Star is the only hero in Tollywood who achieved 3 movies with Rs.40+ Crores of collections in a very less span of time and a small film career. Importantly, all three are mass flicks.
Now, the eye of Ramcharan is set on winning the love of family audience and thus is the project with Krishna Vamsi. Soon after the release of this untitled film, Mega Power Star Fans are damn confident of seeing their hero at No 1 position because of his all-round performance and sustained command on Box Office. If such thing really happens, then Krishna Vamsi’s career will back to life and he can become the best man in Mega camp.