Much before the completion of ‘1 Nenokkadine’ which has been extended in shooting schedules time by time, the next project of Mahesh Babu is all set for a big take off from tomorrow. The 14 Reels Entertainment Banner which produced ‘Dookudu’ and the on going ‘1 Nenokkadine’ with Super Star is going to fulfill their three film deal by starting ‘Aagadu’ tomorrow at Rama Naidu Studios. The official muhurath for the film is fixed as 08:09 AM in the presence of many star celebrities.
Though a low key ceremony, guests close to Mahesh Babu and 14 Reels Banner are expected to flow in good number. As we all know, Srinu Vytla is the director of movie while heroine happens to be Tamanna who bagged the first time opportunity to romance Prince Mahesh Babu. Anyways, let us wish all the best to entire team of ‘Aagadu’ in advance.