The wait has been so long for Mahesh Babu Fans to see new updates and complete new look of their hero in ‘1 Nenokkadine.’ In fact, every one has thought that Mahesh Babu increased the speed with ‘Dookudu, Businessman’ and ‘Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu’ released in very short time gaps. But, director Sukumar pulled Mahesh back into first gear with unstoppable and extended shoots of their upcoming film. As per the latest updates, 14 Reels producers are planning for the movie release during Pongal season which is possible only if Sukumar works day and night to complete the post production works.
As per same reports, they are tentatively contemplating the release of ‘1 Nenokkadine’ songs on December 15th. As said earlier, Devi Sri Prasad composed the songs for first time to Mahesh Babu and we can expect the best out put. So, wait till 15th of December.