Stylish Star Allu Arjun has signed the new endorsement 'Lot' some days ago. He inaugurated the 50th showroom of the mobile outlet at Ameerpet, Hyderabad on 11th of August. Huge number of fans of Allu Arjun thronged to the venue to see their favourite star and the traffic was jammed in that area. Allu Arjun revealed that he likes smart mobiles apart from dances. The ad of 'Lot' which was aired recently, has got stunning response from the viewers.
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun's new film 'Race Gurram' is progressing in a brisk pace. Shruthi Haasan and Saloni are teaming up with him. Thaman scores the music of the film. Surender Reddy is directing this movie. Nallamalupu Bujji and Dr.Venkateswara Rao are producing the movie.The movie is slated for release for Pongal,2014.