Sana Khan, the hot actress who has done female lead besides Nandamuri Kalyanram in ‘Kaththi’ and Manoj in ‘Mr. Nookayya,’ currently doing ‘Mental’ with Salman Khan is absconding. As Mumbai cops are on the hunt, here comes the actual story. Sana’s cousin brother Naved aged 22 years is in Facebook friendship with a 15 years girl. Later on they met outside to have fun. Problems began when Naved started to force the girl for marriage.
Immediately, the victim girl suspended her Facebook account and moved away from Naved. Few days ago, Naved along with his friends and Sana Khan threatened the girl to kidnap if she does not agree for marriage. They even tried to get her forcibly into Sana’s car but the girl escaped to file a complaint with Mumbai police. As of now, cops arrested Naved and his friends while Sana is missing causing a huge loss to producer of Salman Khan’s ‘Mental’ because shooting is abruptly stopped.