Omkar is a name to reckon with in Telugu small screen circuit. The popular TV concept maker, producer, director and anchor is a highly talented personality. Most of his shows inclusive of ‘Aata’ generated highest TRPs rewriting many records in regional channel fields. With this confidence, Omkar even thought of establishing a name on big screen and thus began ‘Genius’ project teamed with Chinni Krishna, Paruchuri Brothers and Havish.
Unfortunately, the movie bombed at BO and Omkar became comedy stuff in film circles. Taking a break from all the professional commitments, Omkar is coming back on MAA TV with a new program called ‘100% Luck.’ This is a good move because Omkar can get time slots on any top channel in prime time and he needs to re-prove his brand. If at all, luck favors him…he will come back with a bang.