DSP’s audio success of ‘Iddarammayilatho’ will do immense good for pre-release business of film even though Puri Jagannath is slowly losing his quality mark. Starring Allu Arjun, Amal Paul and Catherine Tresa in lead roles, produced by Bandla Ganesh Babu on Parameswara Arts, finally here we come with an official release date of movie finalized as May 23.
As usual, Ganesh is planning for a humongous release with highest number of screens to be booked creating a new record in Stylish Star’s career. With Puri’s brand mark treatment in comedy, action and romance…films banks highly on the combinational factor because Bunny and Puri’s last combo ‘Desamuduru’ was a sensational hit those times. Wish that, same chemistry and magic will be repeated.