Rocking Star Manchu Manoj's forthcoming movie 'Potugadu's shoot is going on in a brisk pace in Karnataka. Till now, we heard a hollywood stuntmaster is working for this movie. However, Manoj himself clarified that he along with Rambabu are working for the action choreography of this movie. He tweeted as, " “Stunt master for Potugadu is Mr RamBabu and Myself …. English master stephen is not doing the fights just a clarity,". It is a known news that Manoj has done the action choreography in his previous movies as well. Moreover, he is very good at doing action sequences.
A total of four heroines are pairing up with Manoj for this movie and they are Sakshi Chowdary, Simran Mundi Kaur, Nathalia Kaur and another heroine is yet to be known. Pawan Wadeyar is directing this film. Sirisha and Sridhar are producing the movie on Ramalakshmi Movies.