After the average show of 'Podaa Podi' for Tamil hero Sharath Kumar's daughter Varalakshmi debuted into films, now the hot babe is all set to enter into Tollywood. Yes, the actress will play heroine besides comedy hero Allari Naresh in a film to be directed by Srinu Vytla's associate Sai. While there are new projects like 'Mada Gaja Raja' for Varalakshmi to release in Tamil romancing Vishal, she agreed of being in talks with Telugu producers for a project.
'It is too early to comment but I will reveal the details once finalized,' Varalakshmi says. Infact, this girl was earlier interested to debut besides either Naga Chaitanya or Allu Sirish through 'Gauravam' where in Yami ran away with chance. Now, pairing with Allari Naresh is the second opportunity and let us see how Vara uses it.