Nikitha the hot heroine who debuted with Aryan Rajesh’s debut “Hai” of EVV Satyanarayana looked to stay in Tollywood for some time. But her later movies like Sambaram, Kalayanaramudu bombed and she was packed to Tamil industry.
With fate irreversible this girl even dared to play sexy vamp roles there. “Saroja” is one such even washed out. Later Nikitha was again packed to Sandalwood. When offers started pouring there, she stood stubborn for her lips and secured bad image there.
Nikitha initially agreed to do a film “AK 56” for Director Om Prakash starring debutant Sidhdharth in the lead. When Director at last revealed about the hot, sexy lip kiss scene…Nikitha questioned about the necessity of scene in an action thriller. Even then when Director never changed his priorities, Nikitha came out of the project with the reason that, “My lips and kisses are not meant for freshers. Kissing scene with new heroes is not acceptable.”