Mega Power Star Ram Charan's 'Naayak' was supposed to be the first movie of the year, 2013. If it is released as the first movie of the year, the movie would have got the opportunity to score a blockbuster through very first release of tollywood for the year, 2013. However, hero Srikanth's new movie 'Sevakudu' has not allowed 'Naayak' to get this chance as the movie 'Sevakudu's release has been confirmed as 4th January and this movie gets the credit of very first movie of tollywood.
Veteran hero Superstar Krishna and his daughter Manjula are doing crucial roles in the movie. Moreover, it is going to be the last movie in the career of Krishna. Charmme will be seen opposite to Srikanth in this film. Srikanth will appear as a powerful police officer in this film. V.Samudra has directed this movie while Muttineni Satyanarayana produced it.