After the average show of Allari Naresh yesterday with 'Yamudiki Mogudu,' we have two more films releasing for this week and these will be last significant ones for the year of 2012. They are TV anchor/creator turned director Omkar's 'Genius' and actor turned producer Sharwanand's 'Ko Ante Koti.' Both the films are made on substantial budget with good concepts and are crucial for the careers of above two personalities named.
'Genius' is made with a youthful concept on education with powerful message from Chinni Krishna and Paruchuri Brothers starring Havish of 'Nuvvila' fame and Sanusha as hero and heroines. 'KAK' in the direction of Anush Yohan Kuruvilla is theme based movie with Sharwanand, Sreehari, Priya Anand in leads. Let us wish all the best to both of them.