While Dil Raju used the tiny son sentiment by roping in the surprises of Arjun (Venkatesh son) and Gautham (Mahesh Babu son) as chief guests to unveil the audio album of 'Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu,' audio event organizers of 'Naayak' adhered to the formula of mother sentiment. As Chiranjeevi could not make it to the final event of 'Naayak' audio, Charan's mom Surekha took the responsibility on behalf of her husband.
Presence of Allu Arjun, Allu Aravind, Sreeja, Upasana (her sister and mom) made 'Naayak' more as an event within the Mega family. However, none were present from Naga Babu family. Now, can this be the new item for media?