Agree it or not, there will be a virtual competition set between Mega and Mahesh Babu Fans for the coming Pongal season with 'Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu' and 'Naayak' releasing in a very minimum gap. Obviously audio launches of both these films will kick off the heat and the grandly conducted 'SVSC' audio launch will now leave the ball in Mega court to make 'Naayak' music release function shine with same glow.
While Arjun and Gautham were the centre of attractions of SVSC function, presence of Mega Star Chiranjeevi will be the highlight of 'Naayak.' True that missing of Pawan Kalyan will upset the Fans but one has to wait and see, what kind of eneregy director VV Vinayak and music director Thaman will add to this function which will be held today evening.