Adult Film Cashing on Two Good Hits

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Adult Film Cashing on Two Good Hits
Adult Film Cashing on Two Good Hits

The pitch is ready for one more controversy to hit the Tollywood in the form of 'Ee Rojullo Romantic Crime Story.' When NGOs and other social activists are shouting loud from the roof top on how Telugu films are damaging the mind set of Youth by injecting crime philosiphies, the above said new film which is using the two hit film titles of 'Ee Rojullo' and 'Oka Romantic Crime Katha' have got the first look wallpapers released to media.

Definitely, these makers are seeing for negative publicity and the way they have added vulgar content on wallpapers will easily attract the youth. In fact, 'Ee Rojullo' and 'Oka Romantic Crime Katha' were small films but have done extremely well at BO just based on strength in subject and not on excessive promotions. Apparently, 'ERRCK' will sure rake a big controversy in coming days.