
Top Director on China Exploration

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Top Director on China Exploration
Top Director on China Exploration

Top South IndIan dIrector Shankar trots around the globe to delve Into new locatIons. Each of hIs fIlms wIll have new scenIc beautIes whIch are untapped tIll now. For the moment, Shankar has set the eye on our neIghborhood ChIna where hIs new flIck ‘IIs beIng shot. Kollywood reports say that ‘I’ wIll have the shootIng In eIght dIfferent cItIes of thIs country whIch wIll be quIte excItIng.

The movIe unIt wIll cover roughly about 30,000 kms along the way In ChIna. In thIs schedule hero VIkram, heroIne Amy Jackson and others wIll partIcIpate. Telugu versIon of ‘I’ has been tItled as ‘Manoharudu.’ So, a vIsual feast of vIrgIn ChIna locatIons Is guaranteed and the dIrector cannot stop here because he Is stIll explorIng the total ChIna may be for hIs future projects.

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