After that disappointing reviews received for the two song promos of ‘Cameraman Ganga Tho Ram Babu’ released three days ago, director Puri Jagannath is on damage control. Yes, yesterday night’s ‘Extraordinary’ video visual footage released to media has pleased the Fans. Although Mani Sharma’s music was rated as mediocre, it is the style of Pawan mixed with glamour of Tamanna and Puri’s exceptional direction has made the promo ‘Extra-Ordinary.’
As usual choreographer seems to have concentrated more on grace of Pawan’s body language. Although Pawan’s movements reminded ‘Kajarare’ of Bachchan family yet the promo is rocking enough to raise the hype. If the following teasers too succeed in impressing the audience, everything from here one will go only extraordinary for Ram Babu.
Click Here to See the CGR Extraordinary Promo Video Song