Situation looks very grim for Allu Arjun’s ‘Julaayi’ to hit the screens on earlier informed date of July 13. With ‘Eega’ set for a superb haul at BO for at least two to three weeks of House Full collections, obviously director Trivikram Srinivas and producer Radhakrishna will be thinking twice before the announcement of the final release date. On the other side, Bunny and DSP have just completed the shoot of promo song which means makers would at least take a week to play this song as a promotional trailer.
Although, first list of theatres where ‘Julaayi’ will be released isn’t out officially, newsmen are expecting an official confirmation from producers by tomorrow evening. In fact, ‘Julaayi’ hasn’t even gone for a Censor Certification till now. So, producers are pretty cool with their own plans to extend the date by at least a week or two. Let us see…what happens?