Yesterday’s comments made by Dasari Narayana Rao at ‘Ee Rojullo’ 100 days function however have in- directly hit ‘Dil’ Raju sitting on the same stage. The subject is about ‘Producers Mafia’ in Tollywood deciding the fate of many films depending upon the personal interests of a group of producers. Now, lover boy Siddharth seems to have taken a cue from Dasari and his Twitter posts show his direct anger on ‘Dil’ Raju who made him suffer during the release time of ‘Love Failure.’
‘We grew up at a time when 4-5 films released together and if they were good, they did well. Today, big films release alone. Power talks! Every rule of the free market is being violated in film distribution today. This encourages bad cinema as it becomes financially justifiable. We have more screens in India today per sq. km than ever before, and yet 100s of films are doomed to never release because of the politics! Everytime I meet a filmmaker with a completed film lying unreleased, it breaks my heart. The system is harshest on the most talented. Strange!”
There is of course truth in whatever Sid has tweeted but who will come forward to put up a fight leaving their ‘selfish’ interests. Any how, poor ‘Dil’ Raju has become an easy and common target for both Dasari and Sid even though he repeatedly declared of being not present in those ‘Aa Naluguru’ commanding the theatre market in AP.