
Why Rs.70 Cr Budget for 'I'?

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Why Rs.70 Cr Budget for 'I'?
Why Rs.70 Cr Budget for 'I'?

As usual, dIrector Shankar’s dealIng of a subject means projectIon of hIgh scale magnanImIty and lavIshness on the screen. GoIng by hIs brand, agaIn Shankar has made producer Aascar RavIchandran to pump In Rs.70 Crores budget for hIs new flIck ‘I’ wIth VIkram and Samanta. InItIal reports say that, reason behInd thIs volumInous budget Is Shankar’s excItement towards profuse costumes, shockIng actIon sequences and spendIng computer graphIcs. 

Lead characters of ‘I’ wIll have theIr maIn apparel desIgned by ‘MIB’ serIes costume desIgner Mary Vogt. Secondly, a specIal team of CG specIalIsts from AustralIan RIsIng PIctures who worked for ‘Harry Potter’ serIes wIll be In-charge of CG. ThIrdly, Peter MIng of ChIna specIalIzed In MartIal Arts wIll traIn VIkram for mInd-blockIng actIon sequences. Shankar even confIrms that, ‘I’ wIll not be a polItIcal subject wIth electIons backdrop. In fact, thIs wIll be a fully packed romantIc-thrIller.

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