Before closing the chapter totally in glamour industry, Shriya seems to be checking on all the options present before her. Doing the comedy film ‘Nuvva Nena’ with Allari Naresh and Sharwanand in Telugu, now she is all set to perform a sexy cum funny item dance for Bollywood Star Hero Sanjay Dutt. Yes, she might have done many item numbers in South but this happens to be the first for Shriya in Bollywood.
The film is ‘Zilla Ghaziabad’ where the sexy babe will perform extreme groovy movements. ‘This is totally funny. Every time, I saw myself on monitor while shooting, I used to laugh on my self. It is always funny to experiment with your image and luckily, this is my first item performance in Hindi,’ says Shriya waiting for the release of film. Let us see, how far Shriya succeeds as item bomb in B-town?