Superb run of ‘Gabbar Singh’ has re-generated new energy among Pawan Kalyan Fans who stood dormant for almost 10 years waiting for right director and right combination to set the BO on fire. Finally, Harish Shankar has done it and the result is seen even in this second week screening. Understanding the mind set of Fans is not going to be easy and Pawan seems to have taken a very long time in realizing this. ‘Gabbar Singh’ is a pure commercial formula movie made with sole attention to entertain the masses.
As trade analysts say, ‘Commercial Formula’ is one Sutra which should not be analyzed or altered but just to be followed with common sense. As Pawan started believing in this formula by accepting Harish, Puri as his directors…Fans are happy and confidently declaring of Pawan will not/cannot see any failures in future. That’s in fact happy to hear but Power Star should take enough care of not falling into the vicious pattern of stereotyped heroism. Hope Pawanism prevails in all his future films.