Ever since, ‘The Dirty Picture’ enjoyed the super duper hit run in entire India, our south film makers have kept their options open of remaking the same in regional languages. Gossips about either Anushka or some other glamorous heroine to reprise Vidya Balan’s character have been circulated in media circles. New name for now is, Nayanathara to do a Silk Smitha act in South.
When media questioned her on this, she said ‘No, I do not want t to star in remake of ‘TDP.’ Firstly, none of the producers approached me for this role. Even if any one offers me this kind of movie, I might not take up as I am not at all interested in such characterizations.’ Beyond any doubt, doing Seeta Devi in last film ‘Sri Rama Rajyam’ and now planning for Draupadi in ‘Narthanasala,’ better Nayan do not earn the tag of sexy actress like what Vidya Balan has done in ‘TDP.’