During the time of filing nomination papers for Rajya Sabha, it is mandatory for applicants to disclose their assets and properties. As per the reports, Chiranjeevi who secured the seat from Congress Party has assets of worth Rs.41.48 Crores + 8 Kgs of Gold + 99 Carats Diamonds and 20 Kgs of Silver while his wife Surekha has got Rs.56.44 Crores worth assets + 5.5 Kg of Gold + 88 Carat Diamonds. Immovable assets are Rs.40.86 Crores and Chiranjeevi also owns a Honda Accord and two Honda CRVs.
Among the six candidates from Andhra Pradesh going to Rajya Sabha, TDP member CM Ramesh is the richest with Rs.120.24 Crores property and Rapolu Ananda Bhaskar is poorest with assets valuing below Rs.7 Lakhs.