‘Panjaa’ fever has caught the entire Telugu community all over world. Thanks to never fading image of Pawan Kalyan who is coming this time in the form of a Senior Mafia member with a stylish look that started stealing the hearts of millions of his Fans from last few months. Talented director Vishnuvardhan seems to have succeeded in wooing the general audience with his energetic taking seen in both trailers and photos released to media.
A promising ‘Panjaa’ is made to score exactly on those points where Pawan Kalyan’s movies missed all the way from nearly last eight to nine years. With bundles of entertainment affirmed in the form of Brahmanandam as Papa Rayudu added with mind blowing action sequences, soothing music from Yuvan Shankar Raja, overtly oozing glamour in the form of Sarah & Anjali, we can definitely expect an end of winning drought for Pawan Kalyan. If his flop movies go on to collect nearly Rs.20 to 30 Crores, what and how could be the scale of tremors at BO, if ‘Panjaa’ strikes a positive chord with audience?