Young heroes from celebrity families entering into films will have to take pride of their elders and start learning their baby steps. Two heroes currently traveling almost on the same boat are Sai Dharam Teja from Mega family and Sudheer Babu from Super Star family. Firstly Sudheer Babu tried his best to register his face and name among Super Star Fans during the 50 days function of ‘Dookudu’ as he is soon to come with a film titled ‘SMS’ (Shiva Manasulo Shruthi).
Same was witnessed by Dharam Teja at the audio launch of Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Panjaa’ when he was seen playing with Akhiranandan, son of Power Star attracting the camera lenses. His debut venture ‘Rey’ is made prestigiously by director YVS Chowdary that is to release for next summer season. One has to wait and see how far these two heroes will succeed.