50 days function of ‘Dookudu’ was held on a grand note yesterday night at Vijayawada is attended by Prince Mahesh Fans from all over India. Super Star Krishna was the special attraction and Mahesh Babu as usual looked charming with smile on his face.
Vijaya Nirmala speaking on the stage said, ‘as parents, we feel proud that our son Mahesh Babu has reached an envious position in film industry. There are no Graphics and no ‘Maaya’ in ‘Dookudu.’ It is only Mahesh Babu who made the movie become super duper hit. Director Srinu Vytla’s hard work is seen though out the film. There is not even a minute of boring scene in entire film. Usually, I watch a movie only once but ‘Dookudu’ I have seen twice and also promise that I will watch it again on 100th day.’